2018-11-08 10:40:00

  In recent years, the social understanding of aesthetic education is constantly changing. The guidance of national policies, together with the social need has formed this irresistible trend. More and more educational institutions and educators are gradually acknowledgethe significance of aesthetic education in improving current education system, which is believed to be blunt and rigid.
  The purpose of art education is to give all students the opportunity to participate, evaluate and feel art, as this is the right and responsibility of all educatees, including students of non-art majors.Art education is more than popularising common sense and skill training, it cultivates the ability of analyzing and problem solving, communicating with people, society and nature, shaping personal character, self-confidence, and even the cultural image of a nation.Nowadays China advocates the construction of social aesthetic education, for a perfect society is composed of countless perfect individuals. Therefore, our art education cultivates not only professional artists, but also people who could use art to identify, analyze and think. Our education needs to engage with sincerity and perfection more.

  The Forum Theme: “Education through Fine Arts”
  Three topics of the Forum Theme:
  1. General Art Education and Professional Art Education
  2. Local and International Art Education in the New Era
  3. The Popularization of General Art Education and the Collage Art Education
  Hosted by: the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of the Education Committee of Haidian District
  the Institute of Social Aesthetic Education, Tsinghua University
  Co-hosted by: the Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Jiaotong University
  Co-organized by: Chuangdian Space Art Education
  Participants: The leadership of the Teaching Committee, Experts from domestic and international universities,Teaching and research staff, Art teacher, and Representatives of well-known social training institutions and other fields, 300 in total

议  程
  Time: Saturday, 10thNovember 2018
  地点:北京交通大学附属中学 北三环-联想桥向南200米 皂君庙路12号(研讨会分会场)
  Location: No. 2 Madian West Road, North Third Ring, East campus of the Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing. (Parallel Sessions)
  Participants: Guests, experts,invited teachers and students,300 in total

  9:00—9:20am:欢迎仪式 (音乐展示)Welcome Ceremony (Music presentation) 
  主持人:马志太 Host:Zhitai MA
  1.介绍专家及参会领导 Introduce Experts and Participants
  2.领导致欢迎辞 Welcome speech
  3.特色学校艺术教育视频专辑播放 Video display of Art Education
  交大附中校长戴文胜 Wensheng DAI, Principal of the Attached school Beijing Jiaotong University
  9:20—10:00am:罗马美院、北京工业大学艺术学院、北京交通大学艺术学院、首都师范大学美术学院、北京服装学院“美术生源实验学校”挂牌仪式The Opening Ceremony of Fine Arts Experimental School of Rome University of Fine Arts and Fine Arts college of Beijing University of Technology
  5所艺术学院领导讲话 Leaders of 5 art schools
  海淀教委领导讲话 Leadership of Education Commission of Haidian District

Session 1: Expert lectures and student interaction
Host :Qinyan ZHENG
  10:15—10:55am:说说思维那点事 Something about Thingking
  中央美院 李 帆 Central Academy of Fine Arts Fang LI
  10:55—11:35am:心解意象 Image in Heart
  人大艺术学院 刘明才 Art College of Renmin University Mingcai LIU
  11:35—11:50am:学生与专家互动 Live Communication and Interaction
  12:00—13:30pm:午餐 Banquet

Session2: Expert lectures -- Artistic literacy and professional development
Host:Guanting XU
  13:30—14:20pm:美术创意能力的开发与表现(美国中学艺术教育)Development and Performance of Creative Ability of Fine
   ArtsCandice Boulton(美国)
  14:20—15:00pm:美术素养与文化传承 Artistic accomplishment and cultural inheritance
  中央美院 郑勤砚Central Academy of Fine ArtsQinyan ZHENG 
  15:00—15:15pm:学生与专家互动 Live Communication and Interaction
  15:15-17:00pm:部分专家和外地教师到东校区参观 Some experts and foreign teachers visit the east campus

议  程
  时间:2018年11月11日(星期日Time: Sunday, 11stNovember 2018
  地点:清华大学美术学院学术报告厅 A座三层(研讨会主会场)Location: A301, Academic Report Hall,Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University. (Main Session)
  Participants: Total 300 people, including Leading guests, domestic and foreign experts and invited teachers

  开幕式 (音乐开场)Opening Ceremony (Music)
  主持人:封 帆 Host:Fan FEN
  1.介绍专家及参会领导 Introduce Guests and Participants
  2.艺术教育视频专辑播放 Play Video display of School Art Education
  3.领导致辞 Welcome speech
  清华美院领导 Dean of Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University
  交大附中领导 Principal of the middle school Affiliated to Beijing JiaotongUniversity 
  海淀区教委领导 Leadership of Education Commission of Haidian District
  主持人:钟 周Host:Zhou ZHONG
  9:25—9:45am:通过艺术的教育---主报告 Education through Fine Arts—Keynote Speech
  张敢(清华美院)Gan ZHANG (Tsinghua University)
  9:45—10:25am:艺术教育的思维培养--主报告 Cultivation of Thinking in Art Education--The main reportPetr Pomanovskiy
  (俄罗斯列宾美院)Repin academy, Russia
  10:25—10:40am:茶歇 Tea-break time

Session1: General Art Education and Professional Art Education
主持人:钟  周
Host:Zhou ZHONG
  10:40—11:00am:美术专业通识教育之我见 Personal Opinion on General Fine Arts Education
  尹少淳(首都师大)Shaochun YIN(China)
  11:00—11:20am:从美术学院到新雅书院 From Fine Arts College to Xinya College 
  李 睦(清华美院)Mu LI (Tsinghua University)
  11:20—11:40am:全员美育与专业美育 Whole Staff Aesthetic Education and Professional Aesthetic Education
  赵方军(交大附中)Fangjun ZHAO (the Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Jiaotong University)
  11:40—11:50am:专家点评、现场互动 Disscussantsand Interaction
  12:00—13:30pm:午餐 Banquet

Session 2: Local and International Art Education in the New Era of Aesthetic Education
Host:Gan ZHANG
  13:30—13:50pm:欧洲高校艺术教育的普及化 The Popularization of Education in European Universities
  Tiziana D’Acchille(意大利罗马美院)Italy
  13:50—14:10pm:美国艺术教育的普及及专业教育的培养 The Popularity of American Art Education and the Cultivation of Professional Education
  Ruth Miriam Bolduan(美国)(America)
  14:10—14:30pm:校园内外:观念的教学与教学的观念 On/Off Campus: Education of Ideas and Educational idea
  封帆(清华美院)Fan FENG (Tsinghua)
  14:30—14:45pm:专家点评、现场互动Disscussantsand Interaction
  14:45—15:00pm:茶歇 Tea-break time

Module 3: Popularzation of General Art Education and Collage Art Education
主持人:李 睦
Host:Mu LI
  15:00—15:20pm:美国中学艺术课程标准及课程实施的方式 Standards and curriculum implementation of art curriculum in American Secondary Schools
  Candice Boulton(美国)(America)
  15:20—15:40pm:芬兰的艺术教育 Art Education in Finland
  Markku CV (Finland)
  15:40—16:00pm:社会艺术培训教育对体制内艺术教育的重要助力 Social Fine Arts Training Education is an Important Supplement to Fine Arts Education within the Chinese Education System
  杜晓涛(中国)Xiaotao DU (China)
  16:00—16:15pm:专家点评:现场互动Disscussantsand Interaction
  16:15—16:30pm:会议总结 闭幕Summary of the Meetingand Closing Speech
  张 敢 Gan ZHANG

  会务:杜老师 13811949895
  联系人:林老师 15117987523

  The Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of the Education Committee of Haidian District
  Institute of Social Aesthetic Education
  Academy of Fine Arts,Tsinghua University

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中国教育在线 2018-12-03 14:53